Ugh, Dana. Good luck to your husband.
In lieu of actually acting on anything on one of the projects my coworkers and I have been working on, my bosses just keep demanding more reports.
In another project I am working on, I learned that my boss' boss has been expecting that I have been working on it, where the last I heard, we hadn't had approval to proceed.
I think I need to find a new job before I lose it and tell someone off.
I just sent off a report to my boss' boss detailing some licensing costs, biting my tongue to leave off "if we'd acted on my recommendation three years ago, the cost would have been ZERO DOLLARS."
I"m sorry for the bad week, Dana.
I'm sorry, Dana, good luck to your husband (and you) getting through whatever comes.
That doesn't sound good at all, Sue.
Whiskey of any national origin does sound good. As does going back to bed. But when the director came around and asked how I was, of course I said "ok" instead of "crappy" like I actually feel. I think the fall phase of my seasonal allergies is starting a little early, which shouldn't surprise, I suppose, since the spring phase started in January this year but it still irritating. Literally and figuratively.
shrift, perhaps I should warn you that since I know what dishes you have I may randomly pick up coordinating tableware if I see it available. I won't be offended if you then dispose of it however you see fit, but I probably won't be able to stop myself from giving it to you.
Ladies Who Wine is an excellent group name.
since I know what dishes you have I may randomly pick up coordinating tableware if I see it available. I won't be offended if you then dispose of it however you see fit, but I probably won't be able to stop myself from giving it to you.
Can other people sign up for this service?
Ugh, my boss is pulling the nonsense of: Tells me ALWAYS change X to Y ---> later gives me feedback that says "Do not feel you must always change X to Y" ---> I comply and don't change every instance of X to Y ---> gives me feedback today that says "Please check earlier feedback and make sure you always change X to Y."
Augh. I replied and said Hey, here is a direct quote from an email from you on such-and-such date, saying "Do not feel you must always change X to Y", so can you please give me some guidance on this matter?
Shit like this makes me feel gaslighted, even when I have documented proof that I'm just doing WHAT I WAS TOLD TO DO.
I swear, 80% of what sucks about people's jobs is bosses.
You are so right, Dana.
And yet, I feel like I would be a terrible boss myself.
I just want to idly wealthy.
My boss now is his own worst enemy, but for me he is actually the best boss I've had since moving down here. He is mostly hands off and I am actually self managing fairly well. 5 years ago I could not self manage, but my life is much calmer now and in this job I have learned what needs doing. A few of the reasons that I am not looking to change jobs. Another year and a half and I get another week of vacation. Whoot
And yeah, they fired him. Total scapegoat situation where he warned and warned and warned them that something would go wrong, and they ignored him, and something went wrong, and his manager threw him under the bus to cover her own ass.