DH always used to have political conversations with the cats. I mostly apologize to them for moving or otherwise inconveniencing them, I think.
Ha! I CAN fit a 10-egg frittata in my frittata pan. It just takes some ingenuity. Might be better to cut the recipe in half next time.
Argh, preseason football, I don't understand your broadcasting. I'm recording the I guess rebroadcast (although it is my first opportunity to see it) of the Baltimore-New Orleans game and thought I'd watch the first few minutes to make sure I'm really recording the game and not some other damn thing or a message telling me I don't get that channel, so I fast forward through some gold and some ads and I see what looks like the right kind of uniforms in the midst of playing and think I've gone too far. In their infinite wisdom, the Comcast Sports Network decided to "revisit last night's game" by showing the last 30 seconds of the fourth quarter and the final score right before the full broadcast of the game starts. WTF?
Well, I stayed late at work to try a Japanese whiskey with coworkers. Whiskey was very nice, may have to buy some. I signed up for ClubBev! on the shuttle home because I need to rebuild my booze collection.
Got home and changed my wifi network name to something fun while making dinner. Somehow I managed to stab myself in the hand a little because I dropped a spice bottle from enough height that it launched a knife into the air like a Warner Bros. cartoon. But I finished making dinner once I stopped the bleeding.
V. pleased that I'm being played by Stephanie Beatriz in this reenactment.
Was it Shochu?
I can help you with that if it is.
Mmm, whiskey. Wait, I have whiskey! But it is Irish whiskey and not Japanese whiskey, is that wrong?
I'm so proud of myself, I got my first Twitter troll from the #whichemergency hashtag! And it went straight to the Nazi comment, so I think I win something!
My sister's husband is having a 40th birthday party in October. They live in Canberra, so we're making arrangements to visit. We thought Ryan might like to be involved in the process this time around.
Biyi: "Hey Ryan, you can help choose our hotel for when we go to Canberra."
Ryan (putting The Muppet Show in the DVD player): "I'm going to Canberra, THAT'S my participation."