PMSing and watching cat videos to cheer myself, but they're turning into hateful torture videos where owners deliberately terrorize their own pets for fun and it's just making me sad. Hooray for installing fear in our companions!
ION, I met a vegetarian who has cow skin carpets. I was heartened. I can't explain why.
because they're amounts, not countable things.
This is what messes me up, because I know that rule but my concept of "countable thing" is not super clear.
You guys, it's still fun when a Good Stuff post takes off, but I think I may have gotten all of the followers already. That guy giving free haircuts to kids has like 50K notes, but I only got 170 new followers!
because they're amounts, not countable things.
Said the person who thinks that “data” isn’t a mass noun.
Jesse's sphere of influence should be infinite!
Today kind of kicked my butt. I would like a massage and a margarita, or maybe a bubble bath and a bourbon. Sadly, I have none of those things.
It was not a bad day, but it was not a great day
good: feast day
bad: because a coworker is moving to another branch
good: mr aggressively passive agressive actually lied so he has been caught
bad lost a thumb drive that has a lot of work that I hadn't saved anywhere else that needs to be posted tomorrow
good: when I realized it was lost I re did about half of it - so it will be done
bonus good the above buff dife
Well, I didn't go for a walk, but I did exercise and that did make me feel better. Would still like to go to sleep but soon enough it will be time for that anyway, so I guess that all works out.
Also discovered that just reaching into 120° F water with a bare hand to grab my reheated fish doesn't really hurt. I didn't exactly mean to test that. I hope I don't flake out like that with a higher temperature.
Things I say to my dog way more often than makes sense:
I tend to say things to the cats like:
"Really? How do you feel about that?"
"How is that going to work with your napping schedule?"
"What ARE you going to do about that issue?"
Sometimes I ask them where they've put the XML source files, because they're not in the dratted directory they're supposed to be. My work-from-home life.
I yell "jazz hands" at Loki a lot. When he's wound up and acting like I'm chasing him. And yes, I do jazz hands,
would like a massage and a margarita, or maybe a bubble bath and a bourbon. Sadly, I have none of those things.
My day sucked and I am grumpy as all get out. I want all of it.