Lemme tell ya, eye surgery is not fun. And they DID give me valium. And eventually I made them give me something more (fentanyl, I think?) because I was like "yeah, my anxiety is ratcheting up the closer we get to the surgery and it's burning that valium right off..."
Flea, that's pretty funny! :)
Not hating my job is nice.
I think I would love flea's job! My dream job is to just sit somewhere and have people ask me questions and I could give my opinion or research them.
I feel like we should start a "my opinion, let me show you it" tumblr in the vein of "yo, is this this racist" and let people ask us stuff and we can just tell them what we think.
The election ad from an Independent candidate from BC: [link]
Not hating my job is nice.
How wonderful!
I like Liese's idea.
Oh, me too!
Ask Us Anything!
The election ad from an Independent candidate from BC
Doesn't need the dragon and giant robot vote, I see.
Not hating my job is nice.
I feel like we should start a "my opinion, let me show you it" tumblr in the vein of "yo, is this this racist" and let people ask us stuff and we can just tell them what we think.
Would we come to a consensus on what we think first? Or just all chime in like we do here? Or have whatever cabal happens to be in control of the tumblr that minute decide?
I can see merit in each.