Welcome, Francesca!
shrift, are you still couchless?
I called customer service to change my order to a smaller couch, and looks like I'm couchless until the 21st. If I can't get some chairs here sometime soon, I may take you up on your offer of chairs. Right now I'm sitting on the floor with a pillow and my fizzy water & fancy cheese sitting on the end table. It's not too bad, actually.
we have a great view of a car fire (seriously, the whole thing was ENGULFED in flames)
Whenever I'd had a particularly bad day, I'd always see a semi-truck stuck under an overpass with the top of the trailer crumpled like an accordion. Perspective.
Omg, we came to my husband's office so he could get something done, and the power's gone out.
What is with the power going out in your offices?
Congrats sj & TCG!! Welcome Francesca!
Francesca is a GORGEOUS name! Congratulations to all three of you!
We have to feed the kids by 6:30 or bedtime will never ever happen. But DH and I frequently don't eat until 9, after we've put both of them to sleep.
Happy 0th Birthday, Francesca!
back to school season means there are all sorts of loungey pillows out there.
Even faster swim. Bizarroland. But I do have to complain about the grownass men who keep throwing the ball so it gets in the lap lanes and show no awareness in retrieving it and so collision. And they are surprised I'm annoyed. Um, it's great you are bringing your nieces and nephews and grandkids to the pool in the afternoon since the parents have a gap in childcare coverage, (I've been friendly with them) but fergawdssake, you're all over 45. Act better than the 7 year olds!
If I can't get some chairs here sometime soon, I may take you up on your offer of chairs.
We won't be deprived - these are the nice wooden folding chairs that only come out for guests. Anyway, I'd be happy to bring you something to sit on.
we have a great view of a car fire (seriously, the whole thing was ENGULFED in flames)
Whenever I'd had a particularly bad day, I'd always see a semi-truck stuck under an overpass with the top of the trailer crumpled like an accordion. Perspective.
Seriously. I said, "Hey, we ran out of gas, but at least we aren't in AN INFERNO."
Welcome, Francesca! What a very beautiful name!
Just made the connection between overall faster swims since vacation (not just the past 2 days) and my newish bras misbehaving. It's not just the winter weight going, shape's changing, again. Which yay, but I don't want more bra shopping in my future...
My dad is awesome. Felicia Day was doing a book signing tonight in the little bookstore that's like five minutes from my parents' house, and he went and waited on line for an hour to have her sign a book for me. (He is a fan of hers, but there's no way he would have gone out and waited on that line, especially on a work night, if he wasn't getting the book for me.)