Sorry about the bad start, Burrell.
Just out of plain curiosity what time do all y'all eat dinner? We got together for dinner with my in-laws recently at 6:00pm. They typically eat about 5:30pm, but usually push it back a little for us. On a normal day I'm not usually home by that time. I typically get home at 6:30pm or later and then either cook or get dinner so our dinner time is 7:30 - 8:00 on a typical day.
We usually eat between 7 and 9, depending on when Tim gets home from work.
I usually eat between 7 and 8, but that can go earlier if I eat out on the way home from work.
If I'm making plans with friends, probably 7, maybe 730 or 630?
Am so annoyed at project manager right now. So annoyed. She just agreed on my behalf for me to go somewhere on dates that I did not agree with and am not happy about, and the person is being a special snowflake so trying to say no would cause lots of drama but damn I did NOT SAY THAT WAS OK.
Shrift, I’m sorry about the couch, but I have to admit I started hearing “PIVOT! PIVOT!” in my head and giggling. That’s one of the best Friends episodes ever.
When kids are in school I like to get dinner on the table by 6:30/7 so there's a bit of down time -- or time for homework -- before bed. During the summer it's been more like 7 or even 7:30 for dinner.
I eat between 4 and 6, usually, because I am hungry by then, dammit. Also, I am done with work (or supposed to be) at 3:30, so my whole day is kind of shifted.
My coworker just said he was "OK. Better than bad" and I really want to sing "It's Log" at him but I don't think he would get the reference.
At home? Dinner time is whenever we feel hungry, and is utter dependent on the previous meals of the day. When I was growing up, 6pm or as close thereto as my mother's work schedule allowed. At the houses where I work, we generally aim to eat around 5pm (day programs tend to have lunch at 11-11:30am).
It's very frustrating to me that one of my favorite restaurants closes between lunch and dinner so I can't just swing by on my way home from work.