I just had the most complicated/adorable passport applicants. Two one month old girls, not twins, born a day apart to (I think) different gestational surrogates, with Swedish same sex couple dads. And one grandma was there, too.
My god, tiny babies are tiring. The dads and grandma were all being troupers, though, and complimented me on my workplace's good changing tables in the men's room.
I want tuna salad.
I have tuna and pickles and Miracle Whip at home, hmmm. Yes, I like Miracle Whip and I cannot lie.
Oh, dear, I just kicked a guy's ego in the nads and I didn't even want to. He was complaining about computers and how hard they were, and how long I must have studied to learn this. I made my usual remark about my only actual class being a course I took in college in 1979. He hesitated, then asked when I graduated, I said '83. He said he graduated in 84. He's complaining about being too old to figure this stuff out, and it turns out he's two years younger than me.
I quickly pointed out that I don't know anything about building houses, put a hammer in my hand and give me a pile of wood, I'd be lost. I could tell he appreciated that. But it's true, he's been a contractor for 30 years, I've worked with computers, totally different things.
Once tuna salad has gone bad, you can never trust it again.
This is what I'm saying. Clean slate for the next can, though, I'm open minded like that.
'Rib sandwich' was not good. But it was edible, so that's a step up.
Ugh my parents have lost two friends their age this week. Both due to illness, not accidents.
I hope CJ and Mac's respective classes go well.
For those who enjoy a well done mocumentary, here's a bit on artisanal water. [link]
Wow, 9th grade. They just keep growing, I tell ya!
I am vaguely dreading school starting next week, just as I was vaguely dreading summer back in May. Summer turned out okay. I do wish I knew the trick to raising motivated children who have focus and interests that they genuinely want to pursue, and who do things like homework without massive crying jags, etc. I have failed my kids in that arena. My kids are so smart and yet they couldn't give half a shit about much of anything beyond instagram in the one case, and the history of video gaming in the other. sigh.
Burrell, those are developmentally appropriate interests. Signed, 11 y o is watching the Chipmunks sing Bad Romance while 9 y o watches Nova Science Now.
My kids are so smart and yet they couldn't give half a shit about much of anything beyond instagram in the one case, and the history of video gaming in the other. sigh.
That seems really, really normal. I've had the exact same issues with my kids.
I do wish I knew the trick to raising motivated children who have focus and interests that they genuinely want to pursue, and who do things like homework without massive crying jags, etc.
Pretty sure,my dad wishes he did, too. Mom always said to herself that Ansel Adams and John Muir looked like they had no idea what they were doing well into their 30s