Oh, JZ, how completely awful for all of you. You poor things. I won't say there's nothing worse than a family struck with explosive intestinal upset but it sure feels like there's nothing worse at the time. I hope you all are feeling better by now.
(A friend of mine ran a mommy blog when her kids were babies, and she used to refer to vomit and diarrhea as Rainbows and Flowers, to avoid having to talk about it while talking about it. Flowers, Flowers everywhere, how do they keep making more Flowers.)
My birth word is cyberculture, which both surprises and pleases me.
I once lost my keys because I put them in the back pocket of my jeans, instead of the front, where I always put them. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. (I should note that I was actually wearing the jeans, so you'd think I'd notice the keys shoved against my bottom. Alas, no. Totally unaware.)
I once lost my car keys - with the big key fob and the house key and the endless little store cards - IN MY BRA. I didn't have any pockets, and it seemed like a good idea at the time. I guess they were there long enough for me to get used to the feeling of them and thus stop noticing them, before I needed them again and had to go looking. "It seemed like a good idea at the time" will probably be on my tombstone.
JZ, here's hoping that this miserable experience has given you antibodies to protect you for the next 3-4 years.
Hmm, my word is chocoholic. But I'm not that much of a fan of chocolate. Ah, well.
Mine is bada-bing! That's so Rat Pack!
I sure hope they have more than one word per year, I'm sure there are many excellent words out there.
My birthword is megastar. Meh.
Looking at all the Gishwhes pictures on Facebook reminded me - one of the coffee shops I failed to by beans at yesterday (they made me a soy decaf iced latte but did not have beans for sale) had #GISHWHES (only some letters were capitalized but I do not remember which ones) written up on their menu board next to the affogato. I was going to ask about it but they got busy and didn't really have time to chat.
Oh, that is good one Burrell! And Zen!
here's hoping that this miserable experience has given you antibodies to protect you for the next 3-4 years.
Oh good lord, yes. Lifetime immunity would be fair.
Mine is gasp (Used parenthetically to express mock horror, shock, surprise, dismay, etc).
-t, one of the items was to get a coffee shop to create a gishwhes drink special and put it on their menu board. This was ours: [link] I ordered one when I got the pic. I think I was vibrating for half the day.
Motherfucker. I just spent an hour trying to put brackets in my windows, basically failing and THEN realizing that my old shades don't actually work in the new windows. I should have bought all new ones yesterday. My mother came in when I was close to a breakdown and said she would get the guy doing her office walls to do it. So nice! But I'm still fucking aggravated, and don't understand why this is so hard. Obviously people have been able to install brackets on many many windows over the years.
I got recyclist for my birth year. Not nearly as good as bada-bing!