It sounds like the bug that hit me and Lee after the eclipse, and also seemed to afflict my coworker and her daughter during a trip to San Diego. If it is all the same thing, how does it know to strike when we are traveling?
I found my keys (in the back pocket of jeans that I know I looked in the pockets of, but I guess only the front pockets because that is the normal pocket for keys. Sigh), so now do I drive back out to my parents' house to pick up the rabbit food in their fridge or leave it there until next weekend? Well, I don't have to decide right this minute. Maybe after I cross some more things off my todo list it will become clear.
I found my keys (in the back pocket of jeans that I know I looked in the pockets of, but I guess only the front pockets because that is the normal pocket for keys.
I once lost my keys because I put them in the back pocket of my jeans, instead of the front, where I always put them. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
(I should note that I was actually wearing the jeans, so you'd think I'd notice the keys shoved against my bottom. Alas, no. Totally unaware.)
OMG, JZ, that sounds terrible.
THANK YOU, TEP! I needed that validation.
Now that I found them, I even remember thinking when I shoved them in the back pocket "at least I will notice they are there when I sit down". Apparently not? Maybe I got them off my body before I sat down, that would explain it.
Holy schnork JZ, what a miserable car trip! Beautifully narrated, btw. Rest up, and I hope the various gastrointestinal explosions are over.
Sounds miserable, JZ. I'm sorry.
Hey have folks here seen this? It is super groovy funsville.
I am going to start using my birth word All. The. Time.
JZ, feel better soon. I had that once. But was home. Ugh.
Anything I intended to do today that involved getting in a car has not happened. Which is pretty much everything. I'll go swimming. That'll probably be it for the day. Oops.
Oh, JZ! My heart goes out to you! What a horrific experience. May you all recover swiftly and have...I can think of anything that would make it up to you. Rides on unicorns?
Oh, JZ, how completely awful for all of you. You poor things. I won't say there's nothing worse than a family struck with explosive intestinal upset but it sure feels like there's nothing worse at the time. I hope you all are feeling better by now.
(A friend of mine ran a mommy blog when her kids were babies, and she used to refer to vomit and diarrhea as Rainbows and Flowers, to avoid having to talk about it while talking about it. Flowers, Flowers everywhere, how do they keep making more Flowers.)
My birth word is cyberculture, which both surprises and pleases me.
I once lost my keys because I put them in the back pocket of my jeans, instead of the front, where I always put them. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. (I should note that I was actually wearing the jeans, so you'd think I'd notice the keys shoved against my bottom. Alas, no. Totally unaware.)
I once lost my car keys - with the big key fob and the house key and the endless little store cards - IN MY BRA. I didn't have any pockets, and it seemed like a good idea at the time. I guess they were there long enough for me to get used to the feeling of them and thus stop noticing them, before I needed them again and had to go looking. "It seemed like a good idea at the time" will probably be on my tombstone.