The Trump supporters who are angry and divisive would be like this with anyone who fills the DEM slot of NotTrump.
I do think there is a special well of hate reserved specifically for HRC, but at this point I think the Venn diagram of frothing-at-the-mouth Drumpf supporters and frothing-at-the-mouth Hillary haters is basically a circle.
Wow, watching clips of John Oliver from last night, it's the first time I've actually heard that tape. Hearing Billy Bush giggle is really sickening.
I didn't realize that Bush was currently hosting the Today Show because I don't watch it, but apparently he has been suspended. Yes, he was disgusting, but at least he gave a real and appropriate apology. My level of disgust with him is minimal compared to the Donald.
Timelies all!
Instead of watching the debate, we watched the Blue Jays- Rangers game. Much less angry-making.
I dare not say anything at work about anything currently in the news cycle. I suspect one or more co-workers would take the position that Drumpfs tape was no big deal and then I would have to throw things and never ever speak to those people again.
I just realized that I forgot my meds yesterday and this morning, that may account for my deep desire to crawl under my desk and cry. I think I should run home and take those.
Theodosia and I almost got into a fight with a drunk guy yesterday in a pizza place, but a strategic changing of the subject averted disaster.
but at least he gave a real and appropriate apology.
Didn't he use the same "I was just a kid [in my mid-thirties] at the time" line that he used to excuse Ryan Lochte?
Well, he does approach issues with all the nuance of a ten-year old.
Theodosia and I almost got into a fight with a drunk guy yesterday in a pizza place, but a strategic changing of the subject averted disaster.
Don't do it! Not worth it! Just stuff your face with more pizza--that's what I did last night.
I think I forgot my meds this morning, too, but I've had a cupcake and a chocolate chip cookie already, surely that will see me through.