Did it work? She asks having never successfully caught anything with a net that wasn't already caught on a line. I'm all about opening the windows and trying to herd.
It was all very strange, hilarious and especially improbable. Facilities Guy poked his head into my office sometime late morning and asked if I had a butterfly net. Um...no. He explained that there was a sparrow in the 2nd floor green room and he couldn't figure out how to catch it. (There is no simple path to an outside door, so shooing seemed highly unlikely). Later, I took my lunch down to the riverwalk and saw these two guys fishing under the State Street bridge. Now, I've seen some people fishing along the lake, but the river really is not clean enough to be a food source so this is a bit unusual. Anyway, after watching them while I ate my bao I decided it couldn't hurt to ask if I could borrow the net. They were agreeable and I told them where I worked if they needed to come claim it before I returned it. I got some funny looks carrying this huge net down State Street and the guy at the front desk thought it was hilarious. Facilities Guy took the net and spent the next 2-3 hours trying to catch the bird. When there was a shift change at the front desk, the woman who just came in apparently told a story about catching a bat to which frustrated Facilities Guy responded with a challenge. She then walked right up to the bird, picked it up in her bare hands and carried it outside. Shortly after that the fishermen came by and re-claimed their net.
I just had a beautiful, beautiful dream in which Graydon Carter, sitting in the Vanity Fair editorial offices scrolling through his Twitter feed, calls Paul Rudnick, and says, "It's time to get the band back together.
JZ, I don't know if you listen to On the Media, but they had a great short segment recently where they got a bunch of the old Spy folks together for a chat. Very amusing.
I'm arguing about Trump with a high school friend of my mother's. I should not be doing this.
JZ, I don't know if you listen to On the Media, but they had a great short segment recently where they got a bunch of the old Spy folks together for a chat. Very amusing.
I don't often, but I'll have to hunt this down! All through the 90s,
(along with the catastrophe of the Central Park 5 trial) was almost the only reason a left-coaster like me had any idea who Trump was.
Aurelia, I love that story.
Bed and lamps assembled. It looks nice. I'm sweaty gross and still haven't figured out how I'm gonna get the old bed out of the house. But the new stuff looks really nice & I'm excited to have my parents coming in 12 days.
Also, seriously, my little car is a tardis. I'd measured and measured and was sure I was going to have to have something hanging out a window, if not resort to delivery. Nope, it all fit, with clearance to spare.
... and apparently LMM actually did sing "Never gonna be president now" on SNL tonight. HAH.
I got 3 inches of hair cut (I did not go for the short cut; this is about to my shoulders) (yeah, my hair was REALLY long) and my salon had an OPI display that happened to have ONE bottle of Madam President left, so I had to buy it. HAD TO, I say! Even in person, it is pinker than I like my reds, but I'll definitely put it on my toes. And I'll definitely wear it on my fingernails for Election Day, though I may break it out before.
Why am I surprised at how sore I am this morning?
and apparently LMM actually did sing "Never gonna be president now" on SNL tonight.
Yes he did! And may the whole nation sing it soon.