JZ, I don't know if you listen to On the Media, but they had a great short segment recently where they got a bunch of the old Spy folks together for a chat. Very amusing.
I don't often, but I'll have to hunt this down! All through the 90s,
(along with the catastrophe of the Central Park 5 trial) was almost the only reason a left-coaster like me had any idea who Trump was.
Aurelia, I love that story.
Bed and lamps assembled. It looks nice. I'm sweaty gross and still haven't figured out how I'm gonna get the old bed out of the house. But the new stuff looks really nice & I'm excited to have my parents coming in 12 days.
Also, seriously, my little car is a tardis. I'd measured and measured and was sure I was going to have to have something hanging out a window, if not resort to delivery. Nope, it all fit, with clearance to spare.
... and apparently LMM actually did sing "Never gonna be president now" on SNL tonight. HAH.
I got 3 inches of hair cut (I did not go for the short cut; this is about to my shoulders) (yeah, my hair was REALLY long) and my salon had an OPI display that happened to have ONE bottle of Madam President left, so I had to buy it. HAD TO, I say! Even in person, it is pinker than I like my reds, but I'll definitely put it on my toes. And I'll definitely wear it on my fingernails for Election Day, though I may break it out before.
Why am I surprised at how sore I am this morning?
and apparently LMM actually did sing "Never gonna be president now" on SNL tonight.
Yes he did! And may the whole nation sing it soon.
and apparently LMM actually did sing "Never gonna be president now" on SNL tonight.
That was funny as hell, and I wonder if he put it in at the last minute after the Billy Bush tape was leaked. In fact, I feel like the whole opening sketch was hastily written Friday because of the Billy Bush tapes. I mean, OF COURSE they were going to address it, but I bet the writers were up laaaaaaaate Friday writing it. And since I don't watch SNL on the regular, I wondered: is it normal to have the opening sketch *without* the guest host? I'm thinking no, but they needed to do the Trump sketch so they dropped/bumped whatever the original opening sketch was.
I doubt it, traditionally they do political cold opens up until the election so they probably had something dealing with the VP debate planned (maybe Trump being miffed that Pence did well?) and then added the Pussygate material at the last minute.
Ah, that's a good point. (Like I said, I haven't watched it in years and years, so I hadn't thought about that.) I assume they have Alec Baldwin on retainer until mid-November.