There is a lot of wow of different flavors in your post, Sparky. Wow.
What -t said.
My good news of the day is that I'm having lunch with an old coworker tomorrow, and my secret dream was to go to Five Guys, but I assumed she would want a kale salad, but no! She wants to go to Five Guys! (NB: I had a kale salad for lunch today.)
And that's the power and gas. I'll call landlord this evening and tell him it's all his responsibility as of Nov. 1.
Tonight is massage. I had therapy at lunch. We have a plan for Mac's current nasty mood and constant desire to be at this friends' house. He'll have to get stuff done a day early and the grandma who will not say no and keeps putting me into the role of the bad guy can deal with them every Friday. I will start making Friday plans.
I am jealous of massage. I really need one. Ooh, I just remembered I'm going somewhere next week that should have a walk-in massage option....yes.
Tonight I'm playing trivia with friends. Trying to motivate to get anything done. Helped by the fact that I got the new Connie Willis from the library, but reading it was stressing me out because I just wanted to smack the heroine. A lot.
Done with work. I want to go to Michaels to pick up some urgent craft items, have the optometrist at Costco check my new glasses to confirm that the lenses do not make my prescription and purchase a few things, stop by the post office to mail my new glasses back to have them redone and purchase some stamps, and hit the rec center for a good walk. Instead...I have homework.
I'm getting a massage on Saturday! Hooray.
That reminds me, when I got my hair cut last weekend I went for the shampoo afterwards, which included a complementary scalp massage. I'd never had one before because outside of a romantic context neck and shoulder massages have the opposite of the intended effect on me, but that apparently doesn't apply to the scalp variety. I wanted a cot to nap on in lieu of having my hair dried. No more refusing post-haircut shampoos for me.
Got back from my Doctor's appointment which I thought would be routine, but it looks like I might be having some issues from my blood work and I was running a fever when they took it. When I got home the garage door broke.
You get a shampoo *after* the haircut? Salons always give me a shampoo before the haircut, and then I have to leave with little bits of hair itching all my neck. Which I have to shower to get off, and so the nice hairdo only lasts until I get home.