Mmm, barbecue.
My heart goes out Haiti, and everyone in the path of the storm, but Haiti particularly doesn't need any more.
I bought a sandwich for lunch when I got my bagel, forgetting we have a lunch thing for my grandboss's birthday. Maybe sandwich for dinner, maybe lunch tomorrow, time will tell. My lunches and dinners are much more catch-as-catch-can than breakfast.
The lack of communication at my job is mind-boggling sometimes. At least I have the assistants on my side, which sometimes helps.
My stress reduction today. Turn down volume if at work before clicking, but no sound just bringing it up. [link]
Laura, I like the confetti.
Jesse, I was a little curious if your work was crazy given the hurricane!
Laura, that would stress me out! Glad at least your kids can try to batten the hatches for you.
In totally shallow news, I'm having a cute outfit day. The weather has turned, so I have leggings on under my dress and a cardigan. So fun when you feel cute.
Jesse, I was a little curious if your work was crazy given the hurricane!
Not so much for me at this point, and apparently all of our people and places are OK, so that's good.
I'm at the library, using their internet, because I had a 1PM doctor's appt and a 3:30 PM doctor's appt, and it seemed silly to go home in between. But now I'm sulking in the library because I'd rather be at home.