So my home likely will have a Cat 4 hurricane dancing around it the next couple days and I am 1500 miles away. So it is up to the boys to prep the house. Not getting a direct hit, but ~8" of rain and 90 mph winds. So probably losing power. Ugh, I have lots of fish in the freezer.
Still, I am so lucky. I have hurricane windows and shutters and a city parking garage where we can stash the vehicles. My heart breaks for the people in Haiti, Cuba, and the Bahamas. We have lots of friends and family in those places and they are frantic.
One of our friends has a son who is an EMT, and he went to Haiti yesterday to help with...everything, I guess. Our friend is pretty worried about his safety, but she's proud that he's doing it.
I have two friends in Charleston who are evacuating. One with a 2 year old and a six year old, so that will be fun.
Poor Haiti was a horror show prior to this storm. Delray Beach has a lot of Haitians including my SIL and quite a number of my kids' friends from school. A lot of the kids came here without their parents and live with various relatives or friends because their parents wanted them to have more opportunity, but the kids are naturally freaked out about the safety of their families.
Evacuating with little ones is surely a whole extra level of complexity. Also, walking away from your home not knowing what you might return to isn't fun.
I can't get any info at work about what's going on or what we're doing, which is tough because donors are wondering! Ugh.
In more fun news, I was already to go through my usual lunch decision-tree, when I saw there was a barbecue place I haven't seen before! So I got that. It's actually not amazing, but something different, anyway.
Mmm, barbecue.
My heart goes out Haiti, and everyone in the path of the storm, but Haiti particularly doesn't need any more.
I bought a sandwich for lunch when I got my bagel, forgetting we have a lunch thing for my grandboss's birthday. Maybe sandwich for dinner, maybe lunch tomorrow, time will tell. My lunches and dinners are much more catch-as-catch-can than breakfast.
The lack of communication at my job is mind-boggling sometimes. At least I have the assistants on my side, which sometimes helps.
My stress reduction today. Turn down volume if at work before clicking, but no sound just bringing it up. [link]
Laura, I like the confetti.