So much adulting today.
That's a big bucket of adult for one day.
Em is back home which is awesome. Donated more books when we picked her up. Been doing a lot of locking stuff up at home. Also bought a couple of smart smoke/CO2 detectors to replace ours which are, um..., way out of date. Now we'll get phone calls, push notifications, and e-mails when a smoke alarm goes off so we'll know about it even if we aren't home.
Congrats to everyone who adulted. We got the house ready for the realtors and had the photographer take pictures for the listing. Now I have to maintain the house in a state of perfection.
Glad Em is back home, Gud.
Man, I had an eloquent post responding to many people and describing my day and whatnot and just before I hit Post Message Miss Kitty unplugged my laptop and the post disappeared. So, um, that perfect thing I could say to you now? Let's say I said it. Because I am going to bed rather than try to reconstruct anything. But I love you all, and not just because I am full of wine and chocolate!
SNL's opening has killed me. Ded now.
Love ya too, -t. And I have no chocolate!
I finally got around to cooking dinner, because I'm trying to be responsible, but the cheese I was going to use smelled off.
Here I come, McDonald's.
Gud, I'm so glad Em is home.
Tommyrot, is Joe Moore your alderman? If so, contact his office. They'll tell you what steps to take and will make sure the landlord is held accountable.
I officiated a wedding today! That counts as adulting, right? [link]
So, Casper is 13 and in the 8th grade now, and I'm thinking it might be time. Time to watch Buffy with her. If we set a schedule, does anyone want to follow along? Burrell, would you and F. like to be our same-age Buffy buddies? I was thinking of trying to get her to write up a response after each episode. (xposted at Facebook.)
That's so cool, Jilli! Definitely counts.
What a great idea, flea! I absolutely want to follow this journey.