Oh my god Laura, how awful. And the poor family of the victim! 39 is too young. I hope that your nephew can get some help, and help that guides him to recognition of what he's done so he can make some efforts to make amends.
Gud, thank you so much for letting us know what's going on. Best wishes for Em.
ION, I'm watching Frontline's "The Choice" and learning a great deal about the young life of both candidates. Very informative.
Oh, Gud, how are you holding up? That is a lot of shit. I'm glad Em sounds better, but am sure this is going to be a long road still.
That Jesus, always showing everyone up with his awesome gift!
I'm saying.
My plan had been flowers and a fancy lunch after.
That sounds perfect.
Gud, the book donation is sweet, nothing more. If it bugs you too much, just pull a couple beloved and appropriate books and donate those as well. I'm glad you've been able to talk to Em so much and that she's up to protesting the food.
Wrt your parents, I'm sorry. I don't know your relationship with them, so I don't know if it is normal inattention or suicide-attempt-dunno-how. But it is on them, not you, and all you can do is mourn what you hoped for and wait for later to figure out how you need to process it.
appropriate baptism gift
A towel?
I got dunked in the river when I was 11 and nobody gave me anything but a towel, so I say, jewelry would be nice.
Ironically, my parents just called to check up on me. So that was nice.
It is good to hear that your parents called, Gud. They may have been struck with their own emotional awkwardness not knowing what to do or say. Complaining about food sounds good to me. I am sure you will be overjoyed to have her home.
The situation with my nephew just keeps getting more grim. He had posted extensive videos of his 18th birthday party to you tube with just about everything you can image. Apparently his girlfriend's parents were out of town so that is where the party was and it was the father's BMW that he took and flipped in the accident. One of the kids must have taken down the videos but the newspaper had downloaded them before that happened and published them. We told his dad to delete his FB page, but it is still up. And the person killed was a single parent of a teenager on his way home from work. I can't begin to express how sick I am about this whole mess. And helpless.
Oh god, Laura. What a mess. I'm so sorry.