Gud,I'm glad to hear that she's doing better. Still sending you lots of love and strength.
lisah, PA could use your help. It's a battle zone here.
I've convinced EMTGuy that this is not the year for a protest vote. He told me last night he's voting for HRC, because it might not make a difference for him as a white CIS-male, he definitely realizes it would be dangerous for women and minorities. Score 1 point for the good guys.
Last week I was actually having nightmares about Trump winning. I'm hoping that the debate helped shift some of the "undecideds" over to the Democratic side. I saw somewhere that even some of his new-Nazi supporters thought he did badly ... or at least not as well as they'd expected.
On the decidedly bright side, The Arizona Republic, which has endorsed Republicans since its founding in 1890, has gone for Clinton.
The right wing people I know on facebook don't post any pro-Trump stuff, but they post plenty of anti-Hillary things. They really hate her.
That is why I asked that question on FB yesterday. It was an interesting discussion. I don't think anyone's minds were changed, but I appreciate all who contributed.
He told me last night he's voting for HRC, because it might not make a difference for him as a white CIS-male, he definitely realizes it would be dangerous for women and minorities. Score 1 point for the good guys.
Aw yay. He's one of the good guys.
Good for EMTGuy! And good for you for persuading him, Maria. Saner heads do sometimes prevail.,
YEah- it is discouraging. This person generally has an open, logical mind, but he is using his logic illogically. Or something.
Yeah, there's no openness or logic there. He's not using his brain. He's made up his mind and is using insane troll logic to justify his decision.
That is why I asked that question on FB yesterday. It was an interesting discussion. I don't think anyone's minds were changed, but I appreciate all who contributed.
It was civil and interesting and made me want to cry because it scared me to pieces. I've got a neuroatypical queer child. This is not the world I want for her.
My opinion of one of my uncles has taken a serious plunge upon finding out that he's a vocal Trump supporter. How he reconciles that with being an evangelical minister who does mission work among the needy in Indonesia completely escapes me. My Sunday school must not have gotten the Bibles where Jesus instructed his followers to look out for #1.
Yeah, the thing that stops me from trying to have a civil conversation on FB is that I would be heartbroken to learn that any of my relatives, who are generally a pretty great bunch, were planning to vote for Trump.
I'm not on Facebook ... which at this point I'm kind of glad about.
Here's a news item ... I'm not sure if it's for real or not.