The right-wing news people keep focusing on "I don't think Hillary persuaded any Trump voters to join her camp," which I hear as "The people who think she's the devil incarnate continue to think she reigns in hell, but we won't say anything about the people who haven't decided yet, because we're very worried about that."
I hope the right wing has good reason to be worried about the undecideds. I get so angry when I think about third-party voters in this election that I can't think about that for too long.
Do people know you can sign up to drive people to the polls?
Also GOTV calling can, I think, be done from your home for Hillary.
Getting dems to the polls will win the election. Voter turnout is key.
Well, in an election where I could live with either of the main candidates (like in 2008, assuming McCain's health had held up to the stress of the Presidency), I might be tempted to vote Green Party to send a message. However, the message I want to send this election is "1933 Germany should not be looked at as a how-to guide!"
Yeah, I've been thinking of volunteering to drive people once I finish relocating.
I'm voting by mail this year--hopefully, I think I signed up correctly--because I'm going to be at a new address at the beginning of November and I don't know what the time frame is for changing registration information. It may not matter in Utah, but it just might.
We've been talking about going out of state to drive people to the polls. MD is locked down pretty tight for dems but it could make a difference in one of our neighboring states.
The right wing people I know on facebook don't post any pro-Trump stuff, but they post plenty of anti-Hillary things. They really hate her. I'm hoping they're leaning toward just not voting.
Many moons ago, I said that we'd find out exactly how much America hates women in this election. I'm not really feeling uplifted by my country right now, more like we're in a sack of shit that's on fire.
I can't imagine how terrifying it must be to be black and female right now.
Gud,I'm glad to hear that she's doing better. Still sending you lots of love and strength.
lisah, PA could use your help. It's a battle zone here.
I've convinced EMTGuy that this is not the year for a protest vote. He told me last night he's voting for HRC, because it might not make a difference for him as a white CIS-male, he definitely realizes it would be dangerous for women and minorities. Score 1 point for the good guys.