Oh, Gud, I am so glad. All the love to you and your girl.
Plei, WRT to people not getting basic facts? It totally doesn't matter. We are in a post fact era. That and what my friend Benn says:
"Also, I don't think Trump's supporters, aka The Deplorables, give a shit about anything but electing an asshole to punish the rest of America for, well, 8 years of a black president, for a country that is changing around them in ways they can't understand and so are threatened by, for having any money they may have had siphoned off by the 1%, and for largely being disenfranchised by the very institutions they grew up believing in."
I think that is the crux of why people will go to bat for Trump.
Gud, I'm glad she's doing better. I hope you find the support you need for her and for all of you.
Gud, I'm so glad to hear she's on the mend. How utterly terrifying the whole experience must be.
Oh, Gud. I hope you can take a few deep breaths now.
Gud, we're hoping and cheering for you and TCBITW. I hope you can find the support your family needs.
Thanks for the update, Gud. I hope you can get some rest, too.
With regard to Trump supporters- my very analytical, smart, and libertarian conservative friend had this to say. I don't even know what to say. "I wanted to cut some debate video to illustrate to the skeptics why I say Trump dominated Hillary. I haven't had time to install software and everything, it's been crazy here. And reading the transcript filters out Trump's strongest traits - his demanding tone, the way he interrupted to correct the record every time she fibbed, the way she came off as fake and polished vs his perfect representation of the average American with an opportunity to face down someone guilty of creating the mess we're living in, etc. He completely nuked the formalities of a political debate in the midst satisfying way, pushing through the beguiling tone of professionalism that real politicians hide behind. He made it raw. and she was visibly uncomfortable facing down her career of failures, shifting in her stance, speechless, looking down at her feet, forcing a fake looking plastic smile."