I ran the dog before it got too hot, bought groceries, and made muffins to bring for a work thing on Tuesday. Note I'm getting my toenails done, and might get my car washed before I pick up Dad for dinner.
It is very hot here today, but happily not humid.
I still have my whole to-do list for the day undone. Earlier adventure plus grocery store run took all my kitchen utensils.
I'm kind of tired and ready for the day to be done now. On the other hand, I got up before 7 and have been relatively productive all weekend.
Been feeling a bit rough and running a fever today. Still spent a good amount of time chainsawing things and went to the grocery store (those were separate activities). Grocery store trip was no fun, it was very crowded and very noisy and I started to shake. Had to lie down a bit when I got home. Will be cooking dinner before long.
I scored tickets at work to this exhibition of ancient Roman gold, silver, stone, and mosaic artwork: [link]
It was quite impressive. Excellent pieces, well displayed, and half a dozen docents providing information in addition to the usual labels and placards.
Oh, wow, dcp!
Rest and take care of yourself, Gud. Plenty of fluids, all that.
So the reason I couldn't remember/find/deduce my login information for my brokerage account is because I never set it up. Oh, self. Well, that's done now. And in another week I will actually be allowed to do stuff with it, apparently. Sigh.
Okay, one of the items on my to-so list was to scan something. I have the something...and I can't find the scanner.
dcp, that is cool.
Gud, the grocery store on a Sunday is a circle of hell. I barely made it out without snapping at someone.
What's the difference, anyone, between Cafepress and Zazzle? Has anyone used either?
I went to the grocery store at 4:30 and turned back around again. It was not that urgent.
Take care of yourself, Gud.