I am reading and giving everyone my love and support but I have no spoons right now. I'm out of utensils.
I just do not want to leave the house all weekend.
Oh, I feel ya. I have to put on pants and a bra long enough to hit the pack-n-mail place, but otherwise I'm not going past my mailbox this weekend.
I'm sorry to go into excruciating detail here, but I was about to post on the Ask A Manager open thread but then got paranoid.
Nah, that definitely sounds more like trying to answer questions to verify your identity after your bank detects fraud.
It's only 2pm, and I don't feel like doing more work today. Of course, if I'm not working, then I probably should go through another module in my online class at Stanford, but it's dryyyy. This professional certification needs more dinosaurs or volcanoes.
I left work early mostly because fuck that, and I am pretty pleased with my decision.
If you have extra deviled eggs with candied bacon, I would be happy to take them off your hands, -t.
Lord y'all.
Y'all know how the last few years have been the struggle from hell to get Mac to do his homework and turn it in. So this year thus far he seems to have turned the corner only a couple of things turned in late. Grades all passing. Well damn if that wasn't just too easy. That fool son of mine was just caught SELLING HIS HOMEWORK FOR SOMEONE TO COPY. Goddamn child! Can't just do the right thing and have a happy momma. Warming up the disappointed lecture voice.
This professional certification needs more dinosaurs or volcanoes.
I feel like this is usually the case. Sadly.
Duly noted, Jesse.
Oh, Mac. Too far the other way!
Dear god, I am so impatient to be in my new place, to be sitting in my new reading chair, music on low, with the first snowstorm of the season slowly piling up on my balcony, and me not having to worry about managing it. I've been longing for this my entire life.
Yeah, at least he's doing the homework? I suppose that is not helpful.
My fingers are slightly swollen. I might have some kind of weird atypical gout, or it may be a crazy side effect from this cold/virus I'm getting over, or it may be something autoimmune. Or finger plague. Anyway, I'm to take Aleve for a week, and they took my blood.
Oh, Mac. I admire your hustle, kid, but you need a better, more sustainable business model.
I suppose better that than buying someone else's homework? But jeez!!
Doing a clearly wrong thing is never gonna be ok with me. I am Capital P Puritanical with what is right. Selling homework ain't it.