Ugh. Accidentally facebooked this morning. Nobody let me do that again until it's tomorrow?
Sheesh, I was up at 2:30 a.m., and a local friend (she has a baby under 1 year, so I'm not surprised that she was up) had just posted a "Never Forget" picture, but it was a picture of
the towers after the first plane had hit. I immediately hid the post. I wonder if I'll have to do that all day.
"Never Forget"? Really? I don't need the visual to remember. What the hell.
On 9/11, I found out what had happened because I was dawdling going in to work and was online -- I found out from you guys (possibly Betsey?). I used to reread that thread every year on this day. I don't know about today. I probably won't.
Timelies all!
Nova is in my lap, kneading away.
I think I might just watch Drag Race related videos on YouTube all day.
Yeah, I already yesterday saw a couple horrible pictures I didn't need reminding of, so am a bit scared of FB. Ain't gonna forget, but don't need remembering.
....ooh, or "How It's Made"! Always a favorite.
I've also got to get my dinner game back on track. Maybe I'll take a kielbasa out of the freezer and do that with cabbage for the week?
Yep, I'm watching Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and GBBO. With maybe a sprinkling of other shows.
I'ma go paddle around a lake in a swan boat. (Or a non-swan paddleboat if all the swans are rented.)
I'm going for a run with my brother and then to an A's game. Which I just realized they'll probably have some kind of "remembrance" at. Damn it.
Having a visitor who is a restaurant professional means we've eaten out three times in two days, and we're going out again tonight. This is ... not good for me. Bleargh.
I'll be working for as long as I can stand and trying to figure out what to make from all the produce I got yesterday. Definitely tomatillo salsa!
Turned on the tv and saw video of the towers. Dammit. Switched to Aerial America and watched them fly over my state. Mike Rowe's voice is so soothing.
legs are achy and cannot get comfortable
I apologize for being all Natural Remedies Girl, but have you tried magnesium? Or sacrificing a chicken, I hear that works too.
What do chicken-sacrificers do with the remains of the chicken? Do they eat it, or is it supposed to be for the gods? How do the gods consume it? I'm confused by the logistics here.
Okay, I need to go do something productive today.