2 books tossed, 17 to take to half price. I eliminated double stacked books on 1 whole shelf.
If I get back to reading and tackle the kids/ya books, I might be able to clear off another half shelf in a bit (assuming I will not want to keep most of the ones I read).
Speaking of reading things, does anyone here digital subscriptions to Marvel comics? Do they come out the same day they do on paper? Do you get them through Marvel Unlimited?
I have been reorganizing the whole house to avoid dealing with my books. Do you want to come and cull through my books next?
I could do it via skype with you in pieces if that would help. I did that with meara.
I don't re-read much so I tend to tell people to be brutal with getting rid of almost everything you have already read, especially if you use libraries or have an e-reader.
We are girding our loins for a huge cull. YOOOOGE. I mentioned that we are thinking pretty seriously about moving to the Detroit area, right? The DH can do his job there and houses are so cheap that I can do substitute teaching, which really want to do. We are going to get rid of almost all our furniture and most of our books and anything else we don't LOVE. Even though Winter is brutal and I don't have friends in Detroit, I have lots of way cool family in Chicago, so weekend visits would be happening.
Right now we are spending time walking around and randomly picking things up, going "Take this electric mixer?" "Nah." "What about this?" "Yeah, the bowling pins have to come."
so um, where in LA are you, scrappy?
I could do it via skype with you in pieces if that would help. I did that with meara.
I'll keep that in mind.
I don't re-read much so I tend to tell people to be brutal with getting rid of almost everything you have already read, especially if you use libraries or have an e-reader.
Every book I look at I think, ltc might want to read this one day. Mostly I just need to tidy things up so she doesn't get buried under a book avalanche. Even if that means storing some downstairs while I decide about them.
Scrappy, good luck with that!
Right now we're in North Hollywood. So it's be a change, but I was a kid in Milwaukee and DH went to High School in Rockford, IL, so we are down with the Midwest vibe.