I could do it via skype with you in pieces if that would help. I did that with meara.
I'll keep that in mind.
I don't re-read much so I tend to tell people to be brutal with getting rid of almost everything you have already read, especially if you use libraries or have an e-reader.
Every book I look at I think, ltc might want to read this one day. Mostly I just need to tidy things up so she doesn't get buried under a book avalanche. Even if that means storing some downstairs while I decide about them.
Scrappy, good luck with that!
Right now we're in North Hollywood. So it's be a change, but I was a kid in Milwaukee and DH went to High School in Rockford, IL, so we are down with the Midwest vibe.
We haven't told family or anyone yet, so please keep it locked down in the hivemind.
AUUUHHHG. Grabbed shoe polishing rag from atop the basement stairs and inexplicably, it was full of maggots. Bleaching the fuck out of it. And I don't even have a fly problem. Fuck this humidity
the little gnats and mosquitos are a real problem in my house at the moment.
Detroit! I liked it when I lived there. And it's much closer to Chicago.
Near south side has lots of condos. Affordable near museum park West town. Young and music hippy. Prices on the rise North center. Lots for adult entertainment. Near west side. Second most amenities.
Sail, I think I have some sense of that first area. Lots of new condos & recent gentrification. Near west could include a number of distinct neighborhoods though.
I'm sitting in my office waiting for a 1st preview to end. I'd really like this day to be over. I was second guessed five times before I'd even had coffee this morning.
my new headcanon is that I buy scrappy's house should she move. just so we are clear.
my new headcanon is that I buy scrappy's house should she move. just so we are clear.
And isn't your brother in L.A. now? I can see this working.