Travel safe, shrift!
Dana: I recommend GBBO on Youtube.
Folks might find this article by Tim Gunn interesting:
He's a bit hard on one of the PR designers, but it's a well-meant rant about the shortage of good fashion for non-petite American women.
Bon voyage, shrift!
And yes, do please imagine that in Bugs Bunny's voice.
Love Tim Gunn.
I don't know why I'm so knotted up, but at least I'm getting a massage after work.
I'm going to have to figure out how to attach my Internet to my TV when I move.
I have already been mainlining GBBO. It is for sure one of my stress reducers.
I think it's time to start my marathon viewing of the 250 hours of Time Team again.
Hmmmm. Maybe I'll put off cable cutting until HGTV gets more stream-y or I move. (No actual plans on the latter, yet.)
stress ball, stress ball, little ball of nerves
stressing out, freaking out, fuck fuck fuck
Zen, I tried to remake your non-rhyming couplet into a haiku, but it did not work.
I got a brain-shaped stress ball at my last training thingy. I like squishing it on top of my head pretending that I can absorb its braininess.