Thanks folks
Your CU is not related to Wells Fargo, is it?
I went right there too, but nope. I hope. In this case, pretty sure the fraud was committed by a third party, not the CU itself.
A lot of phone calls. A LOT of phone calls, potentially.
sigh, yeah, I'm gonna wallow in denial for a bit but that's what it's looking like
Shoot, the ribbon cutting on our newly renovated train station was today and I missed it. I'll just have to wander around it on my own some time and try to figure out what's different.
I'm either mildly feverish or it really is that gawdawful thick outside. I really can't tell.
It's pretty thick here, so I'd imagine that's at least a factor.
Oh Burrell, that sucks a lot. Jesus. I hope you can eventually figure out not just how to shut it down, but how it happened.
Plus side: Global CEO's suggestion was "get over it".
Good for that at least!!
I woke up late and ran around like a crazed person, tossing all the last minute crap into my suitcase. Who knows if I missed anything. On my way to SFO now.
It's soupy even up here, though not as hot.
I haz a slight sad. My boss scored free tickets to a $90 a plate fundraiser for our org for a handful of us, we were going to make it a ladies' night out of it. But I can't find anyone to cover my shift, so I'm going to have to pass. On the up-side I won't have to figure out shoes for a dressy outfit.
I'm sorry you'll have to miss it, WindSparrow.
We're on what may be the second from the last 90+F days of the year around here. As I'm working from home today, I don't actually have to leave the house for anything today or, strictly speaking, tomorrow (although I'll probably pop out for an early walk tomorrow morning). I can huddle in my air-conditioned apartment and bid summer a sullen, resentful adieu.
In completely unrelated news, I'm thinking of cable cutting and getting my tv from Netflix and Hulu. But a lot of my viewing is built around home and garden shows, and HGTV doesn't seem to be a big player in streaming. Does anyone have any reasonably legal suggestions on how to have my Rehab Addict and House Hunters International without TW Cable getting a cut?
It is soupy and gross out. I really want to take a nap but I have so much work to do.