Oh man, Burrell. That will be a pain in the ass to handle, but it shouldn't be too hard. A lot of phone calls. A LOT of phone calls, potentially.
You guys should be proud I didn't shout out "all lives matter! And what happened to white history month?!?" It was a near thing, I'll tell you.
I'm proud you didn't BURN IT DOWN. #banmen
Damnit, I suck at meara-ing. Burrell, I'm sorry about the identity theft. It's such a pain in the ass to deal with, and I hope the credit bureaus and financial institutions don't give you too much grief.
The only time I get testy about being excluded by gender from a women's event is if it features male strippers.
Oh, Burrell, how awful! I hope your Credit Union helps you through this.
Thanks folks
Your CU is not related to Wells Fargo, is it?
I went right there too, but nope. I hope. In this case, pretty sure the fraud was committed by a third party, not the CU itself.
A lot of phone calls. A LOT of phone calls, potentially.
sigh, yeah, I'm gonna wallow in denial for a bit but that's what it's looking like
Shoot, the ribbon cutting on our newly renovated train station was today and I missed it. I'll just have to wander around it on my own some time and try to figure out what's different.
I'm either mildly feverish or it really is that gawdawful thick outside. I really can't tell.
It's pretty thick here, so I'd imagine that's at least a factor.
Oh Burrell, that sucks a lot. Jesus. I hope you can eventually figure out not just how to shut it down, but how it happened.
Plus side: Global CEO's suggestion was "get over it".
Good for that at least!!
I woke up late and ran around like a crazed person, tossing all the last minute crap into my suitcase. Who knows if I missed anything. On my way to SFO now.