Gud, I have never felt like you came across as arrogant when you talk about your atheism. I'm not exactly a representative sample, non-Christian agnostic that I am, but can be as prickly and defensive as anyone else, so not having triggered that is something.
I get that stuff happens and vacations get interrupted and sometimes work takes priority over the rest of life, it's when that becomes the standard thing and there's no such thing as vacation that I gotta say whoa.
I currently have just over 41 days worth of time off accrued. It is difficult to use it because if I work any overtime in the pay period, I can't take PTO unless it is needed to get me to 40. So, say I worked 4 hours of OT and want to take a day off. I can only take 4 hours against my PTO balance.
This week, I'm really frustrated with the labor day holiday in the middle of this pay period. I have put in 14.5 hours of OT so far but I won't get paid for 8 of that due to the holiday. Only way around that is to take a full day off but I have too much darned work (see OT). Just annoying as heck. I know, I'm lucky that I'm salaried AND can get paid OT.
I would be more sanguine about working more than I'm scheduled if there wasn't this underlying philosophy that bitching about it is Not Allowed. Anything out then a perky "Oh boy, I get a chance to contribute more to the cause! Yippee!" is greeted with confusion and disappointment. Even a pout of annoyance that there are customers that have to be dealt with ten minutes past quitting time is greeted with disapproval. "You know that's part of the job, that we have to deal with all the customers in the queue at the end of the day." "Yes, and I'm dealing with them, but why shouldn't I be allowed to be annoyed that I have to stay late? For the fourth day in a row?" And I get a look of puzzlement that any request from the Boss would be greeted with annoyance by any properly thinking person.
died. Sudden aortic rupture. He looked seriously healthy to me! He was scheduled to retire in 6 week
Wow, that's scary and sad!! I definitely want to enjoy my retirement someday!!
I have email on my phone, and will occasionally respond to something easy or urgent while on weekend or vacation...but generally if I'm on more than a one day vacation I figure they can call me if it's truly important.
Laura, how scary! My heart goes out to all who loved him! And yes, do please find a way to rest and relax.
I have put in 14.5 hours of OT so far but I won't get paid for 8 of that due to the holiday.
This does not make sense to me and is not how we would have done it when I worked in payroll.
A huge benefit to taking a backpacking vacation where there is no cell service - no emergency work calls.
I have put in 14.5 hours of OT so far but I won't get paid for 8 of that due to the holiday.
You mean you won't get paid at OT rate? You'll get paid, right, but at regular time rate?
This does not make sense to me and is not how we would have done it when I worked in payroll.
We wouldn't get overtime unless the hours actually worked was over 40, but if we worked 40 hours and there was an 8 hour holiday, we would get 48 hours straight pay. So I think you should get 48 hours straight pay plus 6.5 hours overtime.
-t, it is a recent change to how OT is calculated when there is time off - PTO and Holidays are now treated the same. Ish. If you take more PTO than you should due to OT, the "extra" PTO goes back in the pot. If you have OT and Holiday, you just plain lose the OT.