I slept like crap last night and discovered this morning that I hadn't taken my nighttime meds. I feel so off center today.
I tried to install a new overhead light in my bathroom and after getting it all set, it doesn't turn on. So I get to redo later.
I cleaned and scrubbed out most of the fridge this morning. It's a little frightening what time and biology does to a jar of hearts of palm.
Not doing any yard work, nope. Couldn't motivate this morning and I'm all nice and clean now.
Just got my grade on my final paper - 100%!!! So, one class complete with an A.
I am a hot mess today. I am trying to write a 45-minute presentation for my all-day job interview that's in 8 days, and I am basically in a state of flat-out panic. But I need to have a draft done by the end of the day tomorrow (which I have off). This is, in theory, plenty of time, except for the part where I seem to be only able to write one sentence every twelve hours.
Congrats, Suzi!
You can do it, flea!! Deep breaths. And/or shitty first drafts.
I just realized the main thing left on my long weekend to-do list is apply for jobs. Ugh.
I need to do yard work. And clean. And maybe make some macarons.
Way to Suzi!
You can do it, flea. Ease up on yourself if you can.
I have chosen clothing to get me through the work week, and what needs washing is in the washer. So that's something. Will there be more accomplished by me today? Perhaps.
I'm only working three days this week and next week - taking off Friday through Tuesday for my dad's 75th birthday. Which will involve packing and planning and so forth, but that can wait. I think what I mostly don't wanna do today is think. So.
Go flea go!
Oh man. I am exhausted and my lips are chapped and I am already experiencing serious con drop. I know I couldn't actually handle it (I think I drank more this weekend in one weekend than I did in the last six months combined), but I wish my life was like this all the time. My god.