Mid-west earthquakes are always surprising. I was in Memphis years ago where their was a small one caused by the New Madrid fault.
I'm posting a plea fro a bit of help from the Chicagoistas, if they're willing:
My daughter is finally scraping up the courage to make major changes in her life. She's going to be sending out her resume to salons in the Chicago area, so she's looking for reasonable digs in various areas that she finds acceptable with price, lifestyle, and safety. I'm hoping my Chicagoistas can give me a little advice on the following areas as to those criteria. This is the gist of what she copy and pasted into a text message, so the punctuation leaves a little to be desired:
Near south side has lots of condos. Affordable near museum park West town. Young and music hippy. Prices on the rise North center. Lots for adult entertainment. Near west side. Second most amenities.
If you can decipher that and possibly specify various neighborhoods, it would be greatly appreciated. She's hoping to keep expenses down, but thinks she could handle $1600/month. She'll be sharing with a cousin and they'd even do the one bedroom, make the living room the other, if that's what it takes. Alexia is at the top of her profession (she's completely outgrown the salon she's in and she's their best) and is currently bringing home $60-70k a year; I'm thinking she can probably make quite a bit more in the better salons in and around Chicago.
X-posted in Bitches.