...the new Galaxy Note 7 is being recalled on account of EXPLODING. So uh, if you've got one in your pocket you might want to look into that.
I've had mine for two weeks, and like it a lot. I will be sad if it explodes.
No direct communication about this from Samsung or Verizon yet, but the online articles I've read so far seem to indicate that the plan is to do an exchange, for inventory which has the battery from the other supplier and is not having the same issue, but the exchange probably won't happen for at least two weeks.
Excitement! Gunshots! 15 minutes ago and me and a kazillion neighbors called it in. Patrol cars and briefly even had foxtrot (copter) but gone now and no ambulances, so wtf. NOT firecrackers.
Gunshots. Reminds me of when I lived in San Antonio. Used to hear them almost every night. Had to be automatic gunfire to really get any attention.
In other fun news,
this happened at my usual exit from the interstate. I took the long way around instead.
Well, that doesn't sound good. Avoiding sounds smart, dcp!
"Some of the bees flew away from the site of the accident" No kidding, they didn't wait around exchanging insurance information? How irresponsible.
Grateful for my relative lack of excitement, all told.
Final paper for my first class has been turned in. Wasn't due until Sunday. I'd say I can take the weekend off, but I should start reading for my next class, which starts Monday - no holiday in the world of online school, I guess.
Went dancing/drinking at a Coyote Ugly-esque bar for the opening night of the big gay soccer weekend. Made out with two people (one, the girl I hooked up with earlier this summer, the other a stranger who I'll see more of this weekend, I'm sure). Off to a good start. Going to bed at a decent hour (whilst a bit drunk but not too too) so I can be up early and watch the soccer
I take Liefur out on a leash occasionally. I had to work up to it. We spent a few half hour sessions in the living room with him in the harness, just hanging out, then a couple of sessions just sitting around on the porch. Then he was ready to explore. There are a lot of new experiences for the cat to assimilate (being in the harness, being outside, being controlled with the leash) so it helps to work in stages.
Yes, it set my rocking chair rocking. Didn't seem strong enough to do damage on this side of the state, but there were car alarms going off and it was definitely noticeable.
EDIT: Epicenter in NE Oklahoma, 5.8 magnitude.