What should we do if we think there's a chance of someone killing themselves today?
Era: it's a friend of Anna's who lives in our building. Anna is trying to get the woman's key so she can check up on her during the day.
Not sure if a 911 call is warranted just yet.
500 Miles, Freight Train, Last Train to Clarksville, Midnight Train to Georgia, This Train is Bound for Glory, City of New Orleans, Chattanooga Choo Choo ... the possibilities for train earworms are legion.
Oh god. Stay with them in person if possible, I guess?
I'd call a suicide hotline for advice.
I'd call a suicide hotline for advice.
Anna doesn't want to do that so I guess I will.
A key is a good start but if the friend is not responding a 911 call might be needed.
A key is a good start but if the friend is not responding a 911 call might be needed.
Yeah, we're gonna try and find Tim the maintenance guy and get a key from him. Of course Tim is still being a jerk to Anna and he's acting like he doesn't care that Anna's friend might kill herself.
500 Miles, Freight Train, Last Train to Clarksville, Midnight Train to Georgia, This Train is Bound for Glory, City of New Orleans, Chattanooga Choo Choo ... the possibilities for train earworms are legion.
Train in the distance (Paul Simon) usually makes my list too.
I think once this present crisis is over it's time to have a conversation with the landlord about Tim the Maintenance Guy.
If someone made a serious-sounding suicide threat and then didn't respond to attempts to contact her for hours, I'd call 911. Better safe than sorry. If Tim the maintenance guy has to replace a knocked-in door, he should've got the key.