mac has stinkeyed me one too many times when I am trying to help. As of now he does all his own laundry.
Not even a real fight, just tired of the 'tude and he is plenty old. He'll either start listening and asking for help or he'll be going to highschool with smelly pits in his shirts and stains on everything.
I have been patient with the water situation. Really. But what does this tweet mean, county?
Latest update: the samples for water testing will be back in the am. Boil water advisory o/o caution. Samples from Fri & Sat were negative.
Is o/o a common shortcut? Also, they've been saying any minute now all afternoon. Why not just say "tomorrow"?
Start keeping a bin outside for stank you don't want in the house. There might be a learning curve, just sayin'. Bonus points if you use a burn barrel:)
he knows basic washing, has been doing one load a week for a few years, but he needs to spray/extra treat the pits of his shirts, especially anything he wear playing basketball, otherwise that stink does not come out in a regular wash. girls will not find it attractive.
That does seem unnecessarily cryptic, Ginger. I haven't seen o/o before, the internet suggests a number of meanings, none of which seem to apply.
That might eventually be a motivator.
In context, I'd guess "out of," but that's ridiculous.
I finally read "Why Is It So Hard to Get a Great Bagel in California?" It turned out to be a nice piece about food and place and possibly not a bad subject for a musical.
In talking about the larger debasement of the bagel, the writer contacted Einstein Bagels corporate:
A very nice team of marketing and R. & D. people told me that the company, which uses steam ovens for its Noah’s bagels instead of boiling and baking separately, prides itself on its innovative flavors, like Cheddar jalapeño, as well as what it calls its "traditional" ones, like . . . blueberry.
One of the musical numbers should be EAT A MUFFIN, WHITEY.
Perhaps a recurring leitmotif.
Mac can just spray himself down with Axe, he'll be fine.
that's not allowed in the house. he does have some old spice spray thing.