msbelle, I'm so sorry.
dcp, glad it wasn't more serious.
sarameg, that's a great steal. I know how much you love the Fluevogs. Having a backup pair is a sound plan.
I am so far behind right now, so if I've missed anything important, I'm sorry.
Presentation in Denver was OK, not spectacular. They had tech issues with internet and their computer, so no demo/PP presentation for the first 1/2 hour. Just a conversation that seemed to go well. We ended up staying almost an hour passed the scheduled meeting end time, so I think that's a good sign, but we'll see. I'm trying not to get my hopes up on this one.
I have no spoons to deal with the state of affairs in this country right now. No one wants to listen to an opposing viewpoint, and confirmation bias is the name of the game. Guns, good. People of color, bad. No, dipshits. Just no.
Oof, good luck Maria!
I just remembered I had the weirdest dream last night that I was at a small dinner party and Rick Santorum was there, and I was trying to figure out what to do and was posting here and on FB all "omg". Wtf was that about, brain???
I keep using the number sequence in Lost as test data in my code's unit tests just to see if anyone ever notices.
sarameg got me looking at Fluevogs last night. Now I am seriously considering buying some new shoes.
In other news, will need to keep up the adulting today, but it's almost the weekend.
So much has happened since I checked in last! Congrats to Sheryl and Gary on your new baby! So happy for you. So glad you are okay, dcp, and that they found the problem. Safe travels, Kat! Wish you could teleport home. Best luck, Maria. JZ, I can't even. So sorry about your bad news, msbelle. And Dana, I'm sorry.
I need to get my butt into the shower since my older dog has a vet appointment to get stitches out in 35 minutes. The vet is only five minute away, which makes me lazy and slow.
The Lafayette shooting is horrible. Though a small part of me is wondering, why don't we grieve the (black) lives lost last week, month, year in various shootings? [ETA: in New Orleans] Where's Jindal for that? Where are their prayers?
That's funny, Gud.
Periodontist says I have healthy gums and a nice set of teeth and we can totally save the broken one. Yay! Waiting to see if my insurance will let us schedule the surgery for later today.
Nora, don't you read the comments on Because black people are thugs who just sponge off the government and deserve what they get.
Fricking Jindal.
(I am in a foul mood because I'm in yet another unproductive meeting where we're going in circles.)
Trying to arrange for when movers can come and pack my stuff. If they're available, I may end up missing most of Friday at VividCon because I can't really see packing up earlier than that. I don't want to sleep on a couch in the living room because the cats wouldn't leave me alone, and also the couches are covered in cat hair and I am allergic.
They're giving me a 5-30 day spread of when my crap will be delivered. Which means I could end up in a hotel/AirBNB situation until I can get a couch delivered or an air bed to sleep on.
Why so complicated.