Yay Sheryl and family!!
Yeah, I'm very glad I was reading those stories and thinking, my husband doesn't do that crappy thing, he's really good about doing this good thing.
M was raised by Russian-Canadian wolves, but at least his wolves don't expect cards. My Alaskan wolves don't expect cards, either, but they do show up every once in a while. I do feel like I do the heavy lifting to get us out of the house and out of our ruts, but that can also get down to personality & need to hibernate.
I'm very interested to see how the dynamic will shift come Peanut's arrival, though.
Congrats Sheryl and Gary!
Congratulations, Sheryl and family!
I think the cats noted my being out all evening yesterday; Pumpkin's been all over me since I went to bed last night (she kept waking me up as I drifted off with her head under my hand, in my hair, nuzzling my face) and Loki has been all over me tonight. My ears would be really clean if I'd let him lick them.
Sheryl, that's fantastic! Congratulations!
Congratulations, Sheryl and Gary!
We have decided that his cat name is Eastasia. Because we have always been at war with.
That's a good one!
Congrats, Sheryl and Gary.
I got a pedi after work today and dropped my kindle in the foot bath. I almost caught it, but the bottom still touched water. On my way to the hotel I stopped and picked up dinner at a place I knew served rice. I did get a funny look, asking for some uncooked rice along with my meal, but the manager was happy to oblige (while the cashier asked what she should charge). So, I'm putting around on my laptop instead of reading my book. Booooo.
Congratulations, Sheryl! That's awesome!
I came across this travel poster today, in that Mefi thread about emotional labor:
I think I may have to print it out and hang it on the wall.