We start school in about 3 weeks. The other local school districts are holding out for a couple more, but it seems like school starting after Labor Day is no more than a distant memory.
I am thinking about food a good chunck of the afternoon though. Not in a bad way, but a planning way so I do not just eat what is easiest.
OMG this is me all the time, no matter how many calories I am eating. Like today? Went by the market because I thought we needed a veggie to go with dinner. Had a vague memory WHILE SHOPPING that I actually had cauliflower but bought artichokes anyway because they were there and the kids will like that better. So not only do I think about food all the time, I act like grocery shopping and cooking are leisure activities.
I want to write everything in Comic Sans now. I really really do. I love Comic Sans.
I want to write everything in Comic Sans now. I really really do. I love Comic Sans.
I am pointing at you and screaming like Donald Sutherland in Body Snatchers.
Just so you know.
Are you running a fever, Zen?
This feels heretical, but . . . I don't think I have room for more glittery skulls
I probably don't, either. That won't stop me.
Savers thrift store often has very cool, non-cheesy skull stuff, I may wander by them when the season gets here.
The upside to dropping by TJs for unnecessary groceries today: Bacon. Also Chocolate.
since purple has become the third Halloween color.
I love that this has happened, btw.
Oooh, must go to TJ's for chocolatey bacon. Bacony chocolate. Whatever. My precious, I wants it.
Or maybe I should have lunch.
I just tried to call and set up an account with PG&E. Then I gave up and set up an account on their website in about a two minutes. Lesson learned.