Yup. Also, after a day of camp and then tons of kids, guards really wish they could fill the pool with lappers and aqua aerobics. They wanna zone out and not be yelling and fishing out over adventurous littles.If they can tip numbers to the boring swimmers, they will.
I don't begrudge all the families seeking cool respite in the pool, but that many heat cooped up kids, they are wild and exuberant and really a pita to manage. Just is. Summer.
I'm so glad I bought that portable DVD player when the whim took me. An essential part of my cleaning regimen is voices, and light-hearted documentaries have conversations in them that more naturally than scripted shows. Mike Rowe, Terry Jones, Lucy Worsley, and the Time Team and Edwardian Farm people will help me get my house clean.
So stupid muggy past 2 days, Loki isn't interested in going out on the deck.(Pumpkin is, though.)
It's not that stupid inside, but apparently he figured it out yesterday.
I was trapped by a bus this morning. None of it made sense.
Particularly vivid dream about being Ash in an Evil Dead scenario last night. I'm clearly jonesing for October to get here so I can watch the new series.
There was a quake last night. Less than 4 miles from my home. Matt woke up just before it happened....
Wishing you the best of health, Vortex.
This is the first day in my new office which is pretty nice. Unfortunately I forgot to bring my mouse with me this morning so I'm stuck using a trackpad. Yeah, very much a first world problem.
Wow, that's close, beth!
I am full of gronk today, having half a cup of real coffee in hopes that that will help.
From my escapades on Facebook this morning, anyone who thinks it's praiseworthy to yell at a two year old deserves a nutpunch. No matter if the parents aren't adequately controlling the kid, you don't fucking yell at a toddler. (I may have unfollowed for that. Maybe.)
I am full of gronk today
Now I'm thinking about being full of Gronk, and it is surprisingly (not at all surprisingly) dirty!