You may enjoy my Sense8 experience via Tweets (no spoilers).
'Life of the Party'
Streaming 1: There Goes the Weekend
A place for shows presented as streaming only — for example Netflix Originals, Amazon Prime Streaming, Hulu Plus, Yahoo, and other sites. (Note: Shows that are part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe shall be discussed in that thread.)
Spoiler Policy: Spoiler font two weeks for content presented all at once. Content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
I DO enjoy!!
And agree about the one character's twistyness. I'll be happy to be proven wrong on that one.
As per your other white font, TOTALLY that! I'd begun to drum my fingers in frustration about the seeming set decoration nature of that character. Well, okay, no there was the moral and spiritual compass aspect but then...BOOMshakalaka.
I thought that was great.
As is my habit to find value for my work in nearly everything I see, I used Sense8 in a client session this evening as a metaphor for relying on our inner-selves for problem solving and comfort . It was most satisfying.
If I were to pick any nits, one would be that I wish the women had been a couple more dimension-al vs. "I sacrifice and fight", "I sacrifice and pine", "I sacrifice and run away", and "I sacrifice and am persecuted and then sacrifice some more ."
It sort of came out in the wash, but the theme was not lost on me. Though, I suppose that could be said for their counterparts as well.
Still, in the end, I learned to love all the characters.
Then again, I've always loved the ensemble more than the main character of pretty much ANY show I enjoy.
Sense8 - the ending to Smart Money Is on the Skinny Bitch was extremely satisfying .
Yessssssss I loved that scene.
Today's Sense8 check-in: I am a sap, and the karaoke shared sing bit was adorable, and then at the very end with the cab ride, touching .
OMG, and now I'm watching the opener of the next ep, and the shared PMSing is hilarious .
I really love these people. I need to learn their names. The cop reminds me of Channing Tatum, I think. Does that sound reasonable? Anyway, I find this show so charming.
Jen, that's one of my favorite moments in the series. And yes to the next episode ahaahahaha.
Will - Chicago cop
Nomi - San Francisco hacker
Riley - Icelandic DJ in London
Lito - Spanish actor in Mexico City
Capheus - Kenyan bus driver
Sun - Korean businesswoman
Kala - Indian scientist
Wolfgang - German thief
So Sense8 is a reboot of Leverage? Only with telepathy instead of magic earpieces?
It's sort of like Psychic Global Frequency.
P-C, that's great description. Will, Riley, and Lito were the names I couldn't remember. Well, and I guess I think of Capheus as Van Damme.
I loved Sun and Capheus' meeting in the street(s) in this ep, too.
The friends, partners, and family characters are engaging, too.
It's kind of interesting to me that I'm this far in and I don't really know much how or why, but that's not interfering with my enjoyment .
I can see I'm going to have to start marathoning on the weekends; that show sounds like fun.