That was a weird reversal of policy. I don’t think I get it.
'Beneath You'
Streaming 1: There Goes the Weekend
A place for shows presented as streaming only — for example Netflix Originals, Amazon Prime Streaming, Hulu Plus, Yahoo, and other sites. (Note: Shows that are part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe shall be discussed in that thread.)
Spoiler Policy: Spoiler font two weeks for content presented all at once. Content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
I wonder if it's a Bo saw the Mythosaurus and now The Armorer is rethinking how they live or something. I dunno. It doesn't feel like this really has any kind of plot or arc.
I was really thrown by the awkward pacing and clunky writing of this episode. The whole business with Teva going to Coruscant and back, and all the holomessages, it was just... slow and weird.
Interested to see what happens with Bo-Katan, though!
Mandolorian - amazing how they made a non-humorous episode with THAT cast!
It was pretty funny, although not exclusively so.
The resolution of the Darksaber drama was a little too easy for my taste. But I can go with it.
Sir Grogu, though? Not sure about that.
Ahsoka Trailer. OMG.
Filoni is straight up making a live-action Rebels sequel and I'm here for it. (Sabine with long hair seems weird, though.)
There's a certain cognitive dissonance with animated characters being translated to live action that you don't see in the reverse in that they sound nothing like you expect them to when they open their mouths (rare cases like Bo-Katan not withstanding) since they generally try to find voice actors that sound like the live action character if they can't get the original actor. I've kind of gotten used to Rosario Dawson's Ahsoka, but man did Sabine and Hera's voices catch me off guard.
The Mandalorian:
That was bizarre. The cameos kind of took me out of what would have otherwise been an odd but serviceable episode. It doesn't help that Lizzo can't act and Jack Black was apparently trying to make up for it by going over the top.
As for The Darksaber I (and a lot of other people online) have been thinking that that should be the case ever since it happened and it was odd they took so long to address it.
I hate to say it, but Mandalorian duels are a lot more fun in animation.
I actually liked the fight scene at the end: it was a lot more physical and believable than I expected.