AMCA has a skip list.
Then there's the Ahsoka-only watch list, because fuck Annakin.
Tara ,'First Date'
A place for shows presented as streaming only — for example Netflix Originals, Amazon Prime Streaming, Hulu Plus, Yahoo, and other sites. (Note: Shows that are part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe shall be discussed in that thread.)
Spoiler Policy: Spoiler font two weeks for content presented all at once. Content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
Oh, Ahsoka-only might be just what I need! Thanks!
I binged Lockwood and Co. last weekend. It was good—I hope it gets another season.
SO GOOD. And you all should binge it and all get two friends to binge it to get two friends to binge it to get the streaming numbers up so that we can get a S2 and S3 and all the books are covered.
Also, then you should talk to me about my precious disaster muffins, as the average age of the fandom is "OMG, YOU ARE FETUSES!" and I want to talk about it with SOMEONE over the age of 30.
AMCA has a skip list.
It's been awhile since I watched, but I don't remember the Mon Calamari arc being that bad and I can't recall any redeeming qualities to "Bombad Jedi" so I'm having trouble figuring out why the first is "definitely skip" and the latter is "definitely watch."
Fully onboard with skipping the D-squad arc, though, because those were excruciating to watch.
Also, then you should talk to me about my precious disaster muffins,
Happy to do so! My usual watching crew should be assembled next month, and I'll suggest the show. Say, is The Screaming Staircase a good starting point, book-wise, or is this one of those series that is best started with book 2+? (Like the Aubrey/Maturin Novels.)
The whole series (it's five books) has an arc, so you'll want to start with book one. Also, if you can get UK editions, do so. Insert grumbling about the Americanization of non-American books written in English here.
Cereal posting
Also, you can do the audiobooks, which are NOT localized into en-us. (The first season of the Netflix show covers books one and two. If they get more seasons, the intent is to split the remaining three books into two seasons.)
(Seriously. I need adults to talk to about them.)
Audiobooks, eh? Hmm.
The show is both very different and very not? If that makes sense? It does in my head. They're both delightful, though, books and show. (And yes! Audiobooks! Very nice for when driving or cleaning.)
Ted Lasso: so episode 1 I was mostly just please the show was back and I got to hang out with these characters again, but episode 2 had me thinking "yes, that is what I come here for" several times as well as literal LOLling so that's terrific