Also, I loved her
Sabine Wren pulled the exact same maneuver in Rebels.
Willow ,'Bring On The Night'
A place for shows presented as streaming only — for example Netflix Originals, Amazon Prime Streaming, Hulu Plus, Yahoo, and other sites. (Note: Shows that are part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe shall be discussed in that thread.)
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Also, I loved her
Sabine Wren pulled the exact same maneuver in Rebels.
Huh. I don't remember that, but that doesn't surprise me considering Obi-Wan also did the broken-masked Vader moment from Rebels.
Sabine vs Kanan: [link]
I was kind of nervous about watching Ted Lasso, I don’t know why. But I pulled up my socks and did it. I don’t know how I want anything to resolve, so whatever happens will probably be good
Oh yay, I forgot Ted Lasso is today!
I binged Lockwood and Co. last weekend. It was good—I hope it gets another season.
The Mandalorian 3.3:
I have no idea what they're doing this season. That wasn't an A and a B plot, that was two completely different episodes smooshed together and neither was particularly satisfying.
Think of it as a continuation of The Clone Wars, which also didn't have an overall arc, and would jump around willy-nilly. And it serves the same purpose as The Clone Wars, which is to rehabilitate the sequel trilogy, the way The Clone Wars rehabilitated the prequels.
Concur, Tom.
Listening to AMCA is fascinating: they're now jumping over S7 of TCW to do a few secondary sources (the Dathomir comics, the Quinlan/Ventress novel, etc), and then they will start on Rebels, and only go back to TCW S7 after Rebels is over. It's so wild.
I still haven't finished Clone Wars. I probably won't at this point, last time I tried to figure out where I left off I just got so lost I gave up in despair. Which is too bad, I hear it ended strong. Maybe I will figure out a way to be comfortable just picking up the last season or so at some point.