Oh, thanks!
Streaming 1: There Goes the Weekend
A place for shows presented as streaming only — for example Netflix Originals, Amazon Prime Streaming, Hulu Plus, Yahoo, and other sites. (Note: Shows that are part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe shall be discussed in that thread.)
Spoiler Policy: Spoiler font two weeks for content presented all at once. Content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
the best part of Footloose scene was how much fun they seemed to having.
Now, I just finished Stranger Things. I'll check back when anyone is ready to discuss it.
I too just finished Stranger things, but I can’t make spoiler font work well on an iPad. Unspoiled, because it applies to the whole thing: 1. I did enjoy it 2. I am not sure about the choice to split everyone up into different storylines and sort of stick all the not as compelling actors in one of them 3. I haven’t looked up how many female writers they have, but I really appreciate Nancy, Joyce, Erica, Robin and Max all being so courageous in their different ways, in addition to the super special girl Eleven. 4. I was really distracted by the distressing on the costumes (dirt/blood etc), probably because that was my job and I am a really good distresser. It looked great in some lights, and in a bright light looked terrible and blotchy like I gave it to work study students. I am more inclined to blame miscommunication about lighting/lack of ability to have doubles of things distressed for two different lighting situations. This may be a spoiler, but Joyce’s new hat that she has in the last two episodes was so bad in bright light. But if it wasn’t that bad in the bright light, nothing would have shown in the dim light. So confused because clearly money is not an issue. I was watching on an iPad, as well, so I could imagine it would be worse on a bigger screen. I also get that eighties Russian looking clothes (track suits, bright colored puffy coats) are really hard to distress because I have had to distress them. But so distracted
Also have finished Stranger Things. Interesting on the distressed wardrobe, Sophia! I'm just irritated at how unresolved things are, unsatisfied at everyone being so separated for so much of the season, and tired of characters being killed off.
My big issue with this season of Stranger Things is they spent the whole time trying to stop Vecna from killing Max...and then they failed? The super-long episodes didn't really bother me, but that's a long time to spend on an important plot element where they reach the end and they might as well have just done nothing. Which I know is an oversimplification.
Another issue: Jesus christ, just say Will is gay instead of having everyone dance around it.
I'm glad everyone is back together. I know the cast is awfully big to juggle if they're not in separate places, The best part of the show is the interaction of the characters.
Anyway, this makes it sound like I didn't enjoy the season, which I did. The stuff with Eddie was great, though he had a target painted on him from the beginning. Erica talks shit to cops and jocks, and I love it. And everything with Dustin and Steve is gold.
I am apparently really bad at formatting on the iPad. My other prediction is that Mike and Nancy’s mom gets clued in.
It isn’t based on the show, just that I have seen lots of interviews with her. I am trying spoiler font, but no guarantees,
I’m really annoyed that Billy is remembered as a hero and Eddie as a murderer by the town. And I don’t think I understand what the current situation actually is. Killing Max created the 4th gate but 11 brought Max back to life? I guess? But the gate’s already created or no? Hawkins is not destroyed but people are fleeing. So are we still mid apocalypse or post or will the Mind Flayer, I suppose, have to try something else?
Interesting on the distressed wardrobe, Sophia!
Yes! Thank you for that.
As I'm still hung up on the whole stories from WWII and this show thing [link] I'll just say that
we have seen the beginning of a ghetto uprising (not the Warsaw one, though), and I am looking forward to season five to tell me which ghettos they're picking up stories from. That is my don't-look-at-me-like-that-they-started-with-shooting-in-that-location-in-Vilnius prediction.
(Yeah, I really wish I'd never read that article and ST4 would just be ST4. But I did. Enjoyed the season, though! Great acting).
Wow, Shir. that puts things in a new light.
My remaining questions are about Chrissy and her boyfreind. and how that was unresolved.
-t, because Max actually died, the fourth gate was opened. They had Lucas say "her heart stopped".