So far, it’s been revealed that it’s an alien invasion story , it’s just a question of WHICH alien invaders they are.
Dream Girl ,'Bring On The Night'
Streaming 1: There Goes the Weekend
A place for shows presented as streaming only — for example Netflix Originals, Amazon Prime Streaming, Hulu Plus, Yahoo, and other sites. (Note: Shows that are part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe shall be discussed in that thread.)
Spoiler Policy: Spoiler font two weeks for content presented all at once. Content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
I’ve seen some speculation—which seems kind of iffy to me—that the antagonist in The Peacemaker will turn out to be
Unless the series takes Peacemaker from clueless douchebag to grizzled mentor and sets up a Blue Beetle series/movie I really don't understand how that could really work or why they'd even do it.
I really don't understand how that could really work or why they'd even do it.
Right there with you.
Seriously going to re-read my Blue Beetles TPBs when this football game is over, though.
Ha, Jess!
I am confused by the pacing of The Book of Boba Fett. Both in terms of the over all story telling and the individual episodes.
Word. I'm ten minutes into the most recent episode and I'm half-asleep. Much of this is story we can figure out ourselves. Do they have to show it to us?
I’m not sure if it’s my attention span or the show, but I have yet to make it through an episode without pausing and going to do something else for a while. I’m hoping that gets better now that the flashbacks/dreams are presumably done.
I don't think it's your attention span. By the time we got to the end of the flashback it felt like the end of an episode so I was like "is this it?" . And there are choices I don't understand -- for example:
why haven't we been shown more of the Rancor bonding? I mean I get there may have been an issue with Danny Trejo and scheduling but they could have done something without him. Also it seems like there were a lot of Boba Fett riding a Bantha through the desert (not just this episode but all of them). Do we really need that much? Couldn't we have had more time with Fennec Shand or like the Space Vespa gang and Fennec Shand and Boba Fett getting to know each other. And why was there a big Vespa/speeder chase if Fett could just jet pack there. I don't mind the space Vepsas I just want more .. stuff. more character stuff. It feels like we are getting a lot of talking head telling and not showing unless there is a special effect involved.
Also I haven't seen Attack of the Clones so I am not familiar with the actor but I'm wondering if part of this is I just am not into the actor's choices. or acting or something.
Yeah, I don't know about Morrison. I want to like him! But he's pretty lowkey, and not in an intense way like Ming-Na Wen. I don't feel the threat, particularly.
Also I'm distracted by his voice, because Dee Bradley Baker voices ALL the clones, so I expect his voice to sound different than it does.
Yeah he is so low energy and his face isn't very expressive. Which... I feel like I had more of an emotional connection with Din Darjin but I think a lot of that is the stunt doubles, esp Brendan Wayne and the body language that we get from him.