Yeah he is so low energy and his face isn't very expressive. Which... I feel like I had more of an emotional connection with Din Darjin but I think a lot of that is the stunt doubles, esp Brendan Wayne and the body language that we get from him.
Streaming 1: There Goes the Weekend
A place for shows presented as streaming only — for example Netflix Originals, Amazon Prime Streaming, Hulu Plus, Yahoo, and other sites. (Note: Shows that are part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe shall be discussed in that thread.)
Spoiler Policy: Spoiler font two weeks for content presented all at once. Content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
I'm not a big podcast person, but I've been listening to the Wheel Takes podcast's coverage of the Wheel of Time TV show and really enjoying it. The hosts are a husband and wife duo and Ali (the wife) is a professional screenwriter, so she has really interesting insights into why things are likely done the way they are on the show. (They both also absolutely love the show, which is a nice break from a lot of the super-negative discussion I see in a lot of places.) The episodes are divided into 3 parts: Show-only, show and books up to book 6 (which is as far as Ali has read thus far) and full series spoilers with just Gus (the husband) so people of varying familiarity with the source material can enjoy it.
All my news/law/politics podcasts stress me out. So I'm really enjoying this longass Clone Wars podcast, although I will be bummed out when I catch up with it.
Peacemaker: Chekov's Gorilla !!!
I'm actually liking this more than the non-Margot Robbie parts of The Suicide Squad.
I still don't understand the pacing of The Book of Boba Fett. I feel like it's a lot of build up and episode filler to get to..something but not sure what.
We've had that option for a while, but it doesn't stick, so completely watched things keep popping back into the list.
Book of Boba Fett: I know Dave Filoni loves his unique characters, but my God am I sick of Cad Bane. I never really cared for them during The Clone Wars (they were just cartoonishly overly competent and got even worse as time went on) and would have been perfectly happy if they had been left there.
Also, Boba Fett seems to be the most worthless crime boss, ever. I really don't understand why this show exists. I enjoyed seeing more of the Tuskens' culture, but the show is just very weird and inconsistent as a whole.
I am weirded out by the existence of commercial flights to Tatooine. Also young Luke with that freaking haircut is a little uncanny valley for me. But mostly, that is some bullshit, Luke, lightsaber vs armor.
At least the de-aging effect on his face looked better this time around, but yeah his hair seems to be one uniform mass and it's unsettling.