I didn't follow what Peaches did, either. I was highly amused that Holden called her Peaches, though. Mostly, I didn't check to see how much of the episode was left until practically the end, so I was clearly pretty engrossed and that's good.
'Our Mrs. Reynolds'
Streaming 1: There Goes the Weekend
A place for shows presented as streaming only — for example Netflix Originals, Amazon Prime Streaming, Hulu Plus, Yahoo, and other sites. (Note: Shows that are part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe shall be discussed in that thread.)
Spoiler Policy: Spoiler font two weeks for content presented all at once. Content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
Not watching the series until after I finish the books. That generally works out better for me. Odd as it may seem I have less viewing time available than reading time. Mostly because I read in snatched time here and there.
So, no one else watching The Witcher? ok, I'll wait.
I am! I mean, I have been. I feel like I missed a lot because I was watching while doing other things - I was frequently thinking "should I know who this person is?" and I'm honestly not sure if that is me not paying attention or there just being too many characters. But, anyway, am willing to try to discuss!
Note: I just started watching season 1 over the weekend, I missed the whole phenomenon the first time somehow. I was tempted to go look for the book series but I downloaded a sample and I think that, no, I do not want to read it. I may rewatch, though.
But what I came here to say was - I am finally watching The Umbrella Academy! About halfway through the first episode and I think I'm in love.
I am finally watching The Umbrella Academy! About halfway through the first episode and I think I'm in love.
Yes, girl, YES.
We need more Umbrella Academy soon please.
You get the credit, Tep, that any time anything has called to me on Netflix I would think “but first, Umbrella Academy”. And it’s finally paying off.
But what I came here to say was - I am finally watching The Umbrella Academy! About halfway through the first episode and I think I'm in love.
Awww, yeah! Official notice: Klaus is Matilda's woobie.
If you missed the previous discussion -t, Witcher season 1 jumps between multiple time periods and doesn't explicitly tell you it's doing it but rather expects the audience to put it together from dialogue and visual cues. This resulted in a lot of confusion for some people initially.
Witcher season 2 is probably next on my watchlist after The Mandolorian (my wife finally admitted she's probably never going to get around to watching it with me and to go ahead), WoT and Hawkeye.
I kind of knew that but not enough to not be confused, Kalshane. I may rewatch to see if bearing that in mind makes it easier to follow. I also mostly watched on my phone and didn't always realize that the brightness was turned way down because of some automatic settings I have, so a lot of potential for me to miss things I should have seen...
Klaus is pretty much made of pure woobitanium