Just got a reminder that season 5 episode 1 of The Expanse will be released soon.
Maybe tomorrow, but probably Wednesday.
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Just got a reminder that season 5 episode 1 of The Expanse will be released soon.
Maybe tomorrow, but probably Wednesday.
Oh, shoot. I am definitely behind on The Expanse but I don't rightly remember how much.
I really wanted to like Bridgerton more than I did (it was available on the press screener site a couple of months ago) - the cast is great and it's visually gorgeous and Yay Regency Romance Tropes (Mostly*), but I couldn't work up any enthusiasm about the mystery built into the framing device and so it ultimately fell flat. I haven't read the books so I can't comment on whether it succeeds as an adaptation.
(*Some regency romance tropes in this series are Yikes not Yay.)
Anyone have any thoughts on how reliable Giant Freakin Robot is as a source? They're saying Disney wants to reboot Firefly as a family-friendly adventure show.
... does Disney own the IP?
So the article said - from when they bought Fox.
Oh, I can't wait to see the reaction from the Browncoats to that idea!
Huh, Firefly without Joss or the original cast? Not really Firefly.
I could actually be okay with a firefly animated series I'm the vein of Star Wars Rebels. It would be a different thing but still potentially a good thing.
I really wanted that Buffy animated series that had artwork by JephbLoeb back in the day.
Clone Wars was a much better Anakin arc than the prequels so I'm willing to consider it...but I don't see how you make it family-friendly without handwaving some things, like companions. It would be neat to have Firefly with Chinese characters and actors.