Will someone please Nilly the Nutty vs. Cheetah stuff? I can't find it.
'War Stories'
ita's thread
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
Please, no one ever believe I'm dead unless I come here and tell you myself.
I looked in COMM 1 and found this, which must be where it started: Theodosia "Coffee On My Monitor" Jun 17, 2004 3:12:57 pm PDT
And the next year, this: Steph L. "Coffee On My Monitor" Mar 29, 2005 10:17:33 am PST
But I can't find the best part, which involved the squash court.
Please, no one ever believe I'm dead unless I come here and tell you myself.
See, I knew there was a good reason to be in denial right now.
Huh, I thought that was longer ago.
Like ten years is not long enough. Whatever, self.
I'm going to gently set that BRQG excerpt aside until I am not at work...
But I can't find the best part, which involved the squash court.
That definitely involved David.
Man, I would love to the context of this:
ita: I vote for more infants with brains.
From the same thread as the first cheetah discussion:
"Stretching and flexing and endorphins and healing and sunshine glinting off the water and fresh fruit and Jamaican food and the silence when the crickets stop and reading in the sun and sleeping in the sun and sleeping under tons of blankets. Also pulling the bread out of the oven, the moment when the roast chicken is finally done, the strange bleachy smell of institutionally cleaned linens, making it to work without stopping at red lights, driving the 10 in the middle of the night to get home, LA from the hills at night, the thwack of solidly landing a kick.
Those are a few of my happymaking things."
Oh man.
The Nutty vs. cheetah was a good riff for a long time. I dunno who asked: "Shouldn't it win if she leaves the combat area before it's over?" ita's response: "Two organisms enter! One organism leaves!"
As I put together these quotes, I am pondering questions such as: "Do ita's parents need to know that she may or may not have seen Carrot Top naked?"