Pshhhh. Carrot Top WISHES he made out with ita. No way, no how.
'Just Rewards (2)'
ita's thread
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
Pshhhh. Carrot Top WISHES he made out made out with ita. No way, no how.
Even Carrot Top has a glimmer of sanity it seems.
Wow, Callaluna, that's rough. I hope it calms down quickly.
Oh, Callaluna, how scary. Please keep us posted.
Its rough for me, but only because I am from rural Maine where these things decidedly do not happen. But in the grand scheme of awful things people must live through? Barely a blip. That's how I have been talking myself down all day. I could live in a war zone. There could be explosions and chaos and looting and blood. So far, my days have proceeded as normal, except with CNN on in the background. As long as I am surfing the Internet and eating cookies, I have no right to complain.
short-lived darling of her people
Well, I thought I was finished crying, but apparently not.
Callaluna, that is scary, and you can totally complain. Just because some people live in worse situations doesn't mean yours isn't scary. Because it is.
I think there's a hip-hop chick named Eve.
Well, I thought I was finished crying, but apparently not.
Yeah, that line hits me where it hurts.
It's definitely Eve the rapper. "Let me blow ya' mind" is the tip off.