ita's thread
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
Can we not do this in ita's thread? There was a whole conversation in Bureau and then Lightbulbs, where it belongs.
Thanks, Jesse, for saying what I was thinking.
Buy a book in Ginger's honor. Buy twelve, a couple of out of print children's books, and some nonfiction on science, and a good chunk of fiction.
OK, I didn't exactly do that, but I did start reading a book I had pre-ordered, and it was, coincidentally, by Paul Cornell who I started reading because Ginger had recommended London Falling. So that turned out to be a nice little remembrance.
Watched Diggle punching the hell out of a punching bag on Arrow, all wet and sweaty. Raised a glass for ita.
I had a lunch meeting today where I was asked to list all the ways coding is like cooking. Missed ita.
LinkedIn recommended ita as a contact for me today. Hit me like a gut punch.
(And, hey! Not really around much, but I knew y'all would understand.)
I sent a group email for Thanksgiving and discovered that I have not yet deleted Ginger's contact from my list.
This happens every time.
Still can'twon't do it.
It's been 1 year since Ginger died. I miss her so much, all the time.
I took some meds that don't mix with alcohol, so I am raising a virtual glass to her memory.